Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Saturday, December 27, 2008

after reading the magnacoaster thread on energeticforum.com

I was going to post something to this effect previously but I do too much theory (heaps of spare time at work, none at home) and not enough actual experimentation...

I once posted a youtube video where I was using a relay to pulse an ignition coil. I now know that the power source I was using didn'tt have enough amperage and I should have used a condenser across the relay to supress sparking on the relay contacts..

BUT, I thought to myself, maybe I can make the 'on' time of the relay less, or reduce amps drawn, by putting a permanent magnet behind the relay coil, so less energy is needed to create a magnetic field strong enough to open the contacts.

I superglued the magnets (just ceramic ones, not neomagnets) onto the relay case, and it flipped over and stuck beside the coil near the sparking relay contacts.

I though, cool, I'll supress the sparking too so off time is quicker..

In the end I was just moving little magnets around the relay both north and south directions, watching the voltage output of the ignition coil to find sweet spots.

SO, when I was reading this thread and thinking of bedini systems that capture the voltage spike of a collapsing magnetic field in a coil, just like a stone dropped into a pond will create a particle column of water...

I started thinking, to throw the stone would create a bigger splash. Why not have a coil around a permanent magnet, with the coil collapse being reinforced by the magnetic field. Initially you would have to 'turn off' the magnet by cancelling out the magnetic field (exactly?) by pulsing the coil for just long enough for it to reach it's peak energetic state (i the coil's natural resonance time)

Then, possibly this coil could be bifiliar wound, and using the supported magnetic field collapse, capture the intense bemf.

If it breaks out of linear operation, and chaos takes over, the equations governing the relationship of electric circuits will no longer apply because it will be nonlinear.

Sorry if this post unintelligible, it just starts forming in my head when I write.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

#3) Decaying matter and fluffy charge

So I'm thinking... If we cause aetheric compression waves on the surface of a conductor to oscillate in resonance, or cause a system to resonate by matching the system's wavelength by adjusting the duration of each aetheric compression (which is determined by the system's naturally resonant geometry, ie it's shape, inductance capacitance, resistance etc - OR by virtue of it's molecular structure), we can nudge it's natural resonance momentarily up an octave. By varying the time between each pulsed wave, we can cause the resultant secondary aether compression caused by the mass as it establishes itself to it's natural state, to increase the amplitude or density of the aetheric pulse as the wave passes.

Several things happen here: the aether does not lose energy by pulsing back, but the mass being impinged upon will have great stress placed on the shape of it's atomic latticework, and if it does not have a specific geometry, may begin breaking down as it's atomic bonds lose cohesion. In essence, while under this stress, the mass atoms may break up into elements lower on the atomic table of elements, and could conceivably emit alpha and beta radiation. Air could conceivably become ionized.

In order to maintain molecular integrity of the mass being vibrated, several conditions may be considered.

Spheres and tubular geometries will at the outer molecular layer have each atom's electrons impinging equally upon it's neighboring electrons, and there would be an inertial resistance to any movement. Also, greater surface area would help dissipate each pulse's stress on a greater number of atoms.

If the mass being resonated was exactly equal to the mass propagating the aetheric impulse, the amount of aether particles being shifted in each wave would be equal to the displacement of aether particles in the impacted space. This would create even and stable oscillations.

The system being impinged upon by the pulses would increase the compression of each pulse it was 1/4 the length of the wave transmitted, as this is exactly the height of the amplitude, provided the masses of transmitter and reciever are the same. Tesla makes comment that it can also be an odd number multiple of the quarter wavelength.

This may be true of the impedance, capacitance, atomic weight? Etc......

All this will only occur if the pulses are unidirectional. Any alternating waves will undo the work done by the preceding wave.

/// my mind just went kaput. Probably more to follow. All of it just as unstructured. Maybe some of it will help.

An update on my first post below...

After sleeping last night, I realised that virtual particles are not aetheric particles, but are the stresses caused by say the electron as is oscillates in the elastic and incompressible aether medium. what appears to be virtual electrons surrounding the real one are in fact standing compression waves in the surrounding aether formed by the electron's oscillations with the aetheric particles inside of it.. Thus the huge energy of an electron is in fact cancelled out or damped by these 'ripples' in the stiff yet highly elastic natural medium just as we see in quantum mechanical tests, and what is left over is the apparent electron charge.

The standing waves APPEAR to be virtual electrons, and behave exactly like them, because they vibrate at the same frequency of the oscillations caused by aether particles' interaction with the actual electron.


a simple PM to bodkins re old comment about fluffy charge on youtube video turned into this...

You said your transmitted charge would not drive a load. Ppl talking about how it takes time stored in a cap before use running load or storage in battery, else it will remain as a fluffy charge.

My theory on why this is happening is thus: the radiant spike goes thru atomic latticework of an object that has (by virtue of it's atomic pattern or actual geometry / shape) a capacitance.

Just like the pyramids link you posted that causes a resonance in the 'natural medium' inside the pyramid that sustains the form of anything inside it (ie razor will stay sharper longer)...

The vibrations of aether particles within the latticework of the capacitor itself start to oscillate with the latticework in some way...

going a bit esoteric here, but 'energy follows consciousness' and thus all forms of matter (and all parts of a system, ie a plant or a liver) are sustained in said form by the consciousness of that form.. Ie milk's energy is loving and nurturing. A person who rejects love and refuses to be nurtured will resonate at that frequency of rejection of nurturance, and may develop a milk allergy.

So the nature of the consciousness of a thing is very much indicated by the nature of the form.

The nature of a capacitor is, among other things, to store an electrical field. When it starts humming at the tune of 'store a field' but has no field to store, some of the 'virtual electron particles' (or as I see them 'waveforms formed by the interaction between electrons and the aether particles') fall out of their virtual state to rebalance the universe.

Quantum tunneling is similar, in that due to heisenberg's uncertainty principle states that we cannot know with absolute certainty, a quantum particle/wave's position AND motion at any one time. When we know about the exact position of a quantum in a point in time, we cannot know anything about the direction or speed it is travelling.
Quantum tunneling occurs in theory and as evidenced in experimental proofs, when we try to confine a quantum in a smaller and smaller space. Just when we would know both the exact position AND exact velocity (zero) of a particle, it 'borrows' energy from the virtual particle flux surrounding it, and transports itself outside of the 'container'.

It can do this because, again, of heisenberg's uncertainty principle.. if we measure exactly the energy a quantum has at any given point in time, we cannot know anything about how that energy is changing. Measure exactly how much it's energy is changing in a given moment, and we can not determine anything about it's current energy level...

this is a fundamental property of the fabric of space-time. Our quantum can 'borrow' energy from the universe and increase it's energetic state to tunnel through space time so long as it repays that energy to the universe in a short enough time frame to satisfy heisenberg's uncertainty principle... The universe simply cannot notice the discrepancy.

Dr Jacques Beneviste, director of research at INSERM laboratory in france claimed water has memory in 1988. This claim has been verified by scientific community.

Basically he discovered that highly dilute solutions (ie in the absence of any physical molecule) of biological agents (ie an anti-body molecule) triggered relevant biological systems (ie a bacteria). Ie water that once contained antibodies was introduced to a sample of bacteria which then reacted as if the antibody was there.
Next, blind experiments were set up with external teams of scientists showed that the activity of these highly dilute solutions was abolished by an oscillating magnetic field, which had no noticeable effect on undilute solutions containing actual molecules.

Nobody in scientific field that I know of or is talking about it knows why.

But we know the aether or 'natural medium' is present. I've seen it conditioning the atomic latticework of semiconductors.

So when we look at this 'memory of water' phenomena with a mind to the inclusion after the presence of the natural media, we can suppose how the interaction between aetheric particles and the atomic latticework of water, antibody molecules, dynamic systems such as bacteria, and electromagnetic fields......

Let us consider water. We will suppose that the consciousness that holds a thing in form has a synchronous relationship with with the inherent nature or purpose of said thing.

What is the nature of water? We know it is life-giving or sustaining. We know that it is a universal solvent. A solvent is usually a liquid, and has the property of being able to dissolve other substances and hold them in solution. Ie some alcohols will efficiently dissolve paint (because of their low cohesion with other alcohol molecules, otherwise known as surface tension, they can provide a bigger surface area than pure water and more paint molecules per unit of time will become dissolved). But alcohol will react to some substances that water will not react with, because water is an inherently more stable molecule.
All the substances that will dissolve in any solvent will also dissolve in water. And water does not react chemically (ie electromagnetically)with any substance which can be held in a solution..

We know that water molecules are made up of hydrogen and oxygen atoms, which are in turn made up of protons, neutrons and electrons.
We also know that these subatomic particles IN THE VERY PARTICULAR LATTICEWORK (geometric relationship) THAT ONLY WATER MOLECULES HAVE must exist in a sea of aether particles.
How do these aether particles and other atomic particles interact?
We know that mendeleve's equations that determined the periodic table and predicted exact atomic weights and electron/proton ratios etc of MANY then unknown elements also predicted two 'elements' lighter than hydrogen. we know at least one particle much much smaller than an electron (or having a much smaller quantum waveform, ie super high frequency) gets caught up in electron flow so much so that it's natural ability to move 57% faster than light [as predicted and experimentally proven by tesla] is naturally retarded by the presence of electrons.

So we know that water molecules, being electromagnetic waves, must by extension interact with the aether, and can theorise that this interaction is electromagnetic in nature. In natural oscillation, this is a very high frequency reaction, and a harmonious one. Other molecules such as uranium decay in the natural medium, and it can be supposed that this decay is as a result of incredibly infrequent and seemingly random events whose probability can be rigorously predicted by exact mathematical equations. Ie that the atomic latticework of uranium and the structure of the natural medium will interact in a determinate way.

With water and as evidenced by the high level of order inherent in the chaotic system of radioactive decay, we can see that as the natural medium encounters an atomic structure, the natural medium (sometimes referred to by one of it's apparent effects, namely the virtual particle flux) is caused to react. Because we know that this interaction is at least in part electromagnetic, we know this interaction must be continual and must be dynamic.

So, in an otherwise undisturbed system, water and the aether must oscillate. And the combination of the atomic structure of water, plus the structure of the aether, and the resultant oscillations must together cause the known properties of water.

By extension, then, the antibodies' atomic structure also reacts with the aetheric structure. That is, the aether oscillates in a definite way within the lattice of the antibodies.

When the antibody is held in solution by the water, the aetheric vibration of the antibody molecule is held by the aetheric vibration of the water.

When the solution is heavily diluted, the water-aether oscillations retain the oscillations of the antibody.

When this water is introduced to the aetheric oscillations of bacteria, the bacteria's oscillations in the aether react to the very real oscillations of the now actually absent antibody. And as a result, the aether oscillations with the bacteria enter the same harmonic or resonance as would have been the case, had the antibody actually been present.

And we know this 'standing wave' can be caused to break up by using magnetic fields.


how to get this aetheric current in the form of longitudinal compression waves to actually do something useful with today's electron dependent technology?
Stage 1: cause aetheric stress waves to move with sufficient force to break bonds with electromagnetic coupling with atoms / electrons

Stage 2: cause aetheric compression waves to interact with atomic geometry which increases aetheric action, ie make aetheric stress oscillations around a conductor more stressed than usual, and 'bend' the aetheric structure around conductor. Conductor will attempt to hold molecular structure and re-stresses aether. Thus two points of compression.. At the right frequency, the rebound from the first aetheric stress impact will join the second aetheric compression, increasing the amplitude. As the aether has no friction, (the same aetheric action acting in unco-ordinated fashion is responsible for quantum jitter, air pressure), it can contribute to an energetic state without loss.

Stage 3: Make a system oscillate with our fluffy voltage (resonating aether) at the frequency it would have oscillated at, had electron movement been present. The system will behave as if electron movement were actually present.

Stage 4: Then stop that system or structure in a part of it's oscillation phase where it is energized.

Stage 5: Then use that electron deficient energetic state of stress in the aether to cause an oscillation in another system (must be a separate system, not being influenced any aspect of capacitance, inductance, etc of the first system).. This will induce actual electron movement in this last stage.

repeat stages to get to high enough energy level gain to run recover losses and then power a load over unity.